Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Ready, Set, 29...GO!

Here it is, my 29th birthday. 365 Days from now I will be 30 years olds, and this marks the official beginnings of my countdown blog, or as I already put it unravelling.

Well over half the day is gone and I have done nothing but taken a shower, which is always an important start to the day. I have a lot of things going against me for today...

1. Team Canada go for gold in the World Juniors Tournament.

It is Canada, and hockey is the lifeblood of this country. The fact is all eyes are on Canada trying to bring home the gold after being unsuccessful last year. This is almost the equivalent of having your wedding day as Prince William.

Much like most of their games, this is a cake walk victory for Team Canada.

2. Hump day

Ah Wednesday, everyone is tired and cranky by this point, just wishing for the week to be over. So I have fallen historically on one of the worst days to do anything because there is nothing to do, and everyone is just trying to get past yet another work week.

3. It's my Birthday

Last but not least, it was the day I was born and I have not had much luck on it. I've had a couple good birthdays here or there, but the rule of thumb is nothing will go write and I will get crapped on at some point today.

Birthdays to me have always been overrated, maybe because they are just glorified “me” days. I for one am not a “me” guy. What I love about birthdays though is the ability to gush and show your feelings and love towards your family member or friend who's special day it is.

I don't plan parties for myself, but I will be more than happy to plan something special for others.

Honestly I wish it could be someone else's birthday when January 5th comes around because I don't feel special, nor does my continual string of bad luck will no doubt continue.

But you never know. Things could change, and I can be optimistic...

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